Friday, September 28, 2007

Sorting puppies

A couple of weeks ago we were at a museum display about hurricanes and how they affect the coastline and the outer banks. One of the problems that has to be dealt with is lost pets. There was a woman that came up with a brilliant idea to simplify the process for owners looking for their pet after the event is over.
In the past, the animals would go to a shelter until the place was full and then they would fill the next shelter and on and on. Then the people would try to compile lists and take pictures and pet owners would wander from shelter to shelter looking for their pet. It didn't work well and many pets were never reunited with their owners.

This woman's brilliant plan was to sort the animals BEFORE they go to the shelters. Big black dogs go to this shelter, little white dogs go to that shelter. pet owners would then simply go to the long-eared-brown-mutt shelter and "paw" through the choices. It worked. It worked very well. It could be a possible model for sorting people in hospitals after a disaster except it would probably seem like discrimination against the body type of whomever had the crummy hospital.

One notable flaw inherent to a plan like this: The veterinarian whose kennel was chosen to house the Beagles is still angry and has NOT forgiven the rescue team.
"ooops, somebody broke the latch and they all escaped last night."


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