Earn easy money at home by just listening to me...
OK, Time for you to collect what you are due. The world was mean, it wasn't your fault, and you are OWED!
Readers of MY blog will be rewarded. Line up at the trough and get your piece of the American Pie. This service is brought to you by our absurd system of lawyers and class action suits. I know what you are thinking: "I can't be part of those class action suits because I am a defenseless poor person, unable to exert monetary damage on anybody else." That may have been true yesterday, and most certainly will be true tomorrow, but TODAY you can join the masses and collect what is due to you. Now if you are one of those goody two shoes that feels that ethics and morality should interfere with your daily scramble for cash, you can rest easy: The money is either going to YOU or it is going to someone else. And they don't deserve it.
This is exactly like the CD wholesaler's lawsuit that I told the Annual4th folks a couple of years ago that we all profited from.
You tell them your name, they send you and 12 million of your closest friends a check for $25, and then they write out a big check for $36million (plus expenses) to those nice lawyers who were only looking out for your best interests.
It seems that the credit card companies were having a little problem with their math when they converted foreign currencies through your credit card. American Express did their math correctly, but MasterCard, Visa, and Diners Club may not have had your best interests in mind. If you used a credit card for ANY overseas purchase or ATM transaction (yes, Canada and Mexico are now overseas) between February 1, 1996 to November 8, 2006 you are eligible for this simple refund. In fact, since it is so darned difficult to track those nasty overseas transactions they are making it simple for you: "If you traveled outside of the U.S. for less than one week or had foreign transactions of less than $2,500 using your eligible cards during the 1996 to 2006 period" you are eligible for this $25 refund.
"But wait Mr. Moneybags, I traveled MORE than one week and used my credit card when I was there!" you may be asking...
Well, as a matter of fact, Mr. Moneybags and his wife Beth had gone on a cruise or two, and tested the CAN/AM border crossing procedures a few times. In fact I even took an engineering class in Montreal for eight days and blew loads of money trying to eat enough to stay warm, but I still went for Refund Option 1 to get the EASY $25 by filling out the GREEN FORM.
For you folks that want MORE than $25, there is Refund Option 2, the BLUE FORM, and you simply make estimates of how much time you were un-American.
For the accountants among you (Psssst, David) there is Refund Option 3, the RED FORM which you supply receipts and they send you bags of money in return.
Ain't America Great? Grab your piece of the pie TODAY!
You can't apply more than once, so choose your options carefully.
Don't worry, the helpful lawyers will still get their $36,000,000 dollars plus $5,000,000 for expenses plus settlement expenses EVEN if everyone you know applies for a refund. Lawyers are very careful to do THEIR math correctly.
So what are you waiting for? Go get your money at http://www.ccfsettlement.com/.
Thank you for listening, my finder's fee is only 4% which you can hand to me the next time you see me, if you are so inclined. Or a hug. Or a drink.