I went online here and found that the Picassa web site wants you to log in to look at the pictures. Here are some alternative photos to look at that are loaded in Flickr. I don't know if it is ANY better. If you have experience looking at the previous photos that I have been loading please look at these sample pictures and tell me which format is better. Thanks. I will be offline until about 24 hours from now, but you can let me know.
Photos to review: Teetering Tryke
If you can, try out the mapping feature.
Test if you can do any tagging or grouping, and add comments if you can.
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After the parade we jumped in some planes and went to the Russian River to do some tubing on this very very hot day.
Beth's first time in a small plane. We floated down the river and walked back up.
I built a dam that I was very proud of. OK, I improved a dam, but I was very proud.
Jumped in the planes and came back home for ice cream again.
Anonymous said...
rxczgiz You are making us jealous for all the great adventures that you are experiencing. Small planes, but lots of photos of old cars at the July 4th Parade. Up Country was great and you both were there in spirit .. . .. we could feel it!
July 9, 2007 10:15 PM
Jenny said...
Beth and Warren are camping right now and pretty much off-line, thus the slow down of postings. Leslie got in contact with Beth today.
Will post the latest chapters in their adventure once I connect with them!
July 11, 2007 2:56 PM
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We REALLY miss our Annual 4th. It has been our extended family for 26+ years. We couldn't make it this year. How to handle our sorrow?
Let's go to a parade!
Now we have NO experience with 4th of July parades, but we have seen plenty of other parades, including Macy's in New York. This was by far the best parade we have ever seen. Ron gets up at 5am and goes downtown to set up some bleachers so his family has a comfy place to sit. He and a friend sit there until the parade starts at 10.
The parade finishes sometime after 11 and we load up the bleachers and go home.
Then we will travel to go tubing on the Russian River.
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... If you are reading this, PLEASE click a Star, just so I know you are there ...
Our hosts took us Pole-Poking for California PrickleBack MonkeyFaced EELS.
There was a very low tide (-1.1) scheduled for Sunday morning at 6:55 am.
We had to get up at 4am and hit the road.
We got to the coast at about 6:30 and the fog that is usually there at that time of the morning wasn't too heavy. We take our long bamboo poles and hiked down to the water.
You pick a rock and start poking your pole into any hole you can find.
The pole has a two inch long string with a big silver hook on it, we bait it with squid and the EELS really like it. I poked around for a few minutes and I caught the first one of the day.
No reeling in, no worry about your line breaking, just call someone with the burlap bag and we bag em, unclip the hook from the pole (carefully, they bite), twirl the bag shut and you are ready to start again. Put a new hook on, load on the bait and go back to the same hole. Very satisfying.
We all had fun, and they are cooking up the EELS right now. They invited some more friends over and we will see how it is.
Wendy started pole-pokin about 40 years ago. Her dad saw someone doing it and found out the details. The fisherman was Portuguese and was glad to explain the technique. They made poles and started practicing. Sometime later another Portuguese fisherman showed them the finer points of pole-poking technique and they became very competent from then on. The top secret hint: THAT ROCK. Wendy has returned to THAT ROCK for forty years. The system works, don't mess with it.
I have uploaded a very large group of pictures because the scenery was so wonderful.
HERE to see our photos.
HERE to find out more about the
California PrickleBack MonkeyFace EEL.
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WW's Phone
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WW's Phone
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