Tuesday, October 2, 2007

West Virginia -- Maryland -- Virginia

Hi gang,
We are camping on the Potomac at the intersection of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, I think. We are officially in Maryland right now, but just barely. We have been in the mountains for the last few days and we didn't have any signal. None.

I seem to be 'zawsted tonight, so I will attempt to wake up early tomorrow morning. We are staying at a hostel and we may not be able to plug in until 7am.

On our way to here from Apex we stopped at V.I.R., a really cool racetrack, and then we went into the mountains. That was it, nothing but terrific views and a lot of deer, but no radio contact. Today we detoured from Skyline Drive and rode the backroads. Here we are. Tired, bleary, showered, and happy. We are only a few hours from Hershey, and we have a week to get there.

Here are a few photos, including the usual sunset shots. We really DO enjoy our sunsets.

Last night we were camping in the mountains and the stars were terrific. It was a little different than Ossipee though because there were blinking lights waaaay up there from all of the airliners. Southbound on the left and Northbound on the right.
Sometimes their strobes would syncronize and create a marquee of blinking lights across the sky.


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