Monday, May 21, 2007

A different format needed for comments

I have also decided to modify the "Where to go" section so that it is a WIKI.
People are having a hard time understanding how to post a comment and the comments do not display unless the link is clicked. I think the comments are MORE important than the other stuff so I will change that section to either a WIKI format or a FORUM format.
I think everyone understands how to do a forum, even if they have never seen one. Yeah that's it. A forum. Coming soon to a blog page near you.
Anonymous said...
Beth/Warren, are you coming through Indiana? Please call or stop in on the way West. You are always welcome to stay here
Tom/Becky/Joann May 21, 2007 8:27 PM
Warren said...
YES, we WILL come through Indiana, simply because you are so persistent. At this time we have know idea when it will be, but we WILL get there. Fairly soon. Start building the new addition now.

May 22, 2007 7:21 AM


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