Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A little backfilling of the holes in past days...

Since I hadn't written anything for a few days I asked Beth to type in the notes that she has kept so that nobody that feels left out.
So even though they were entered after the fact, they will show up in the correct order. As I typed the previous line I realized that all documentation of what we have done during any given day would actually be entered "after the fact". hmmm. (warren)

Sherm said...
Oh and thanks for the birthday call. I got it around 5 amm after a bleary night. Didn't do much, had a beer with breakfast and hit the skids.The little Cub is getting some attention. 90W, hydraulic oil, grease and a liberal coating of LPS-3 on anything rusty which is everything. Next I'll drill out the, AHEM!, two broken lug bolts and hang the blade underneath for some possible driveway grading. We'll see how it warms up to life on the Hill first.
June 1, 2007 6:51 AM


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