Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Photos (and how to see them)

I was with someone recently that was looking at this blog and didn't realize that there are loads of pictures lurking behind the one that shows in the actual post.
It's pretty obvious to some of us and is very obvious once you have been shown this little trick, but if you haven't, then you are missing out on the full time-wasting potential of this site.

The BIG Secret: Click on most pictures to see an entire album.
That's right! You heard/read it here first! I have only loaded a small fraction of the photos that we have taken, but some of you have seen only the "Cover" photos.

When you click on a photo you will be taken to one of the places that I stash them.
Look around. It's not private, you can look at any of them.
You can view slide shows, search, comment, and run around in circles.
When you are done, just type in in the address bar at the top of your browser and you will pop right back here.

Try it right now!
Click on the photo below.

The Sneaker Tree


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