Beth and Warren did an "Adventure" in 2007. We needed to reboot and remind ourselves why life was worth living after the loss of our son Derek. We went where other people pointed us, and we wrote stories about our experiences.
Grand Tetons. We just got a signal so we thought we would send a phone picture of what we are looking at right now. this view made us think of Mia. WW's Phone
There are many ways to find the good stuff. There are some good ones skillfully hidden among the clinkers. In this column there is a list of dates. Next to the dates there is a small triangle, if you click on this triangle it will expose or hide all of the posts that are hidden underneath. Find a title that interests you and click on it. When you are done reading that post you can click the BACK Arrow on your browser to pop back here.
try clicking on the "OLDER"/"NEWER" links at the bottom of the pages. At the bottom of most posts there is a list of "Tags", if you click on one of the tags it will bring up all of the pages that have the same tag.
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