Friday, July 27, 2007

A blurry memory..

Today we saw a car that brought smiles to our faces.
It was a very nice yellow Corvair convertible.

This isn't Beth and Warren's FIRST adventure. After graduation Beth, Chris, & Warren were going to get an apartment together. We were just about to do it when Chris accidentally got married. A new plan was needed. Steve was planning to travel from California to Arizona to stay with Mary (his sister) for a while, and invited Beth to come with him.* So I offered to help Beth get across the country. I had a yellow '65 Corvair convertible in the barn that I had traded a mini-bike for. We cleaned, lubed, and tuned it up, installed a new windshield and hit the road. No supplies, a couple of changes of clothes, $150 in travelers checks, and about $75 in cash.
The car's name was Clarabelle (but we called her Clara). It was hot, slow, and a bit dangerous (you know, Corvair, the subject of the book "unsafe at any speed"). Beth and I got to California to pick up Steve and then the three of us and Steve's car-sick dog Ayeesha went to Tucson. Beth and I worked to save some money so we could rebuild our life savings, but Steve got itchy feet first and headed to Texas or Florida about a month or two before could afford to move on. Mary liked us better anyway. She's easy to live with. Beth and I were lucky enough to stay with her and her husband Tom recently when we were in Bakersfield. She's still easy to live with, even after 33 years. Clara was sold so that I could buy plane tickets. Clara was easy to live with too.
All just blurry memories.


*Steve was very shy and repeatedly used an odd technique to try to get dates: he would offer girls a place to live. They always moved in but he NEVER got a date. When Beth and I got engaged in 74, Steve and I were sharing a house in Bellingham MA, I think there were 3 or 4 girls living with us at the time, none of them had any plans of ever going on a date with Steve, but he IS one of the best roomates you could ask for.

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bev t said...
Hi guys! Hey, I thought Steve's dog was named Lucille!! But then, these days, my memory is as blurry as the yellow corvair (and also unsafe at any speed!)
love y'all Chemo-sabe (bev t)
July 27, 2007 2:42 PM
Editors Note: Yes she was. Steve had Ayeesha, that his parents ended up owning, and Marny which Nancy dumped on him. Then there was cute little Lucille.
Vicky said...
I remember mom talking about planning a trip going cross country with you guys. What do you mean she "accidentally got married"?
Lots of love,Vicky
Editors Note: Ooooops.
September 3, 2007 1:39 PM


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