Sunday, April 1, 2007

Google has done it AGAIN!

This is JUST the most amazing thing ever.

Check this out, I'll wait until you get back.

Google has finally brought everything full circle. The circle of life of the internet has been linked together forever (or at least until tomorrow).

The have just announced Gmail Paper. If there is ANY email that you want to be printed and delivered they will do it for FREE. It was just in time because I was having SERIOUS problems getting emails to two people in a car club that I belong to.
So I sent a test package to me. It's Sunday morning, 4am the first day of April and I send a copy of the club's insurance policy to myself (remember this is a test).
Now remember this program is still in Beta so they are really trying hard, but I am living way out in the country here. At 9:10 this morning a Ryder truck pulled up to my house and a guy delivers a box with Google stickers on it and there it was, just like I wanted. Amazing! The advertisements are on the BACK of each page, they are red and written in 36 pt Helvetica, but no big deal. Good quality paper, they say that photos will be printed on GLOSSY paper. The soybean sputum paper they use is slightly greasy feeling if you microwave it, but as long as you try not to microwave your paperwork you should be OK. It's FREE! UNLIMITED quantities. This is PERFECT for Beth and I when we head off on our Adventure (destination unknown). I can have postcards and handwritten notes drop-shipped to all of those non computer types that can't read this blog. Google is so cool!

Check out this link:
Thanks, more info tomorrow.

Anonymous said...
Boy, this is PERFECT for Ron B. of Alabama. I thought of him IMEDIATELY once I figured out the importance of this. This is a day that will be remembered for...
April 1, 2007 10:26 AM


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