Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some re-runs before the fall season starts...

I have typed in a short story that I wrote a while ago. It is totally unrelated to our trip, but I always liked this one. I recently discovered a notebook that I thought had been destroyed when Brae Mar burned down. Most of my writing was stored there because that is where I wrote most of my stuff. I always seemed to write when on vacation and could never force it when I was at home. Some of my favorite stuff burned up, but I recently found this notebook so I will toss in a few reruns when I can.

They should be classified as fiction, for you folks that classify things. I just lump it all in a group called Short Stories. I have always liked reading short stories because you don't ever need to be afraid to invest yourself fully into them because there is no need to commit to a dreadfully long book if you don't like the way the story is going. If you don't like it, it ends. If you DO like it, then the experience is yours. Many novels only leave you with a few nuggets that you keep anyway.

I have taken a lot of notes and photos on this trip so far. I am planning to use these to spark the many stories that are stacking up in my arms right now, just waiting to leap out of my fingertips into the computer. We will be spending the winter in Florida at one of D&L's houses (because it's free), and I am hoping to do a lot of writing there. It is therapy for me. Beth is going to learn how to handle the photos and will be doing that half of the job.

Until then... well even after then, for that matter... my stories will not be in the order of our trip, they will be in the order that they come bubbling out. Likewise for the photos.

Well here is your first re-run: The Rock Hound


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