Thursday, July 26, 2007

flowers, butterflies and sunny

Ok, so we are in Sidney, on the Island of Vancouver, BC. We arrived by ferry yesterday late morning. The ferry ride started out in a light fog, but pretty. As we made way, the fog lifted and we were presented with the San Juan Islands. Beautiful! A two hour plus cruise to Sidney went by quickly as we had lots of scenic beauty to enjoy. At Sidney we made our way to our lodging, and were lucky to have a room available for early check in. After a brief tour around our home town for the next 2 nights, we decided to have a quick PBJ lunch and head off to The Butchart Gardens. I plan to have a separate slide show on the gardens in the near future, but for now we are planning on spending every minute enjoying the sights while we are here. I promise the garden pictures will be worth your time. It was indeed worth every penny to view.
After a lovely afternoon visiting the gardens, we then took a tour of a butterfly garden, Warren was totally awed, and spent at least a good hour shooting pictures. Included in the Garden was a few neat ducks, several kinds of birds, two resident flamingos, canaries that sang, and I'm sure several other things that remained hidden watching us. We where ready for some food, so headed back to Sidney along a few back roads to skip the traffic. We decided to have a cold one across the street from our hotel. Then off for a walk up main st. Earlier that day, a couple had told us about one particular Swiss restaurant that was good, so we headed off to eat. When we got there we learned they take reservations and it would be at least an hour wait, so off we went in search of food. We found one place that was Mexican on a side street. They had a unique way of advertising, they chalked arrows with sales pitches on the sidewalk on both sides of the street. I was skeptical that they used this way to advertise, I wondered if they don't get talked about like "word of mouth", it probably would have been good but I just did not feel hungry for Mexican. So we ended up right back where we started from and had something neither one of us had ever had or heard of. You know "something new" a pastrami and sauerkraut pizza. So we ordered the pizza, neither one of us could find the sauerkraut, hmmm, but it was good and filled us up so we where happy.
We enjoyed watching people walking their dogs, lots of dogs. It is lovely where we are staying, we have a nice walkway by the sea, and we can see Mount Baker across the way. Well I am going to sign off, because we are headed to Victoria for a fun day. Remember, look forward to the garden pictures. They will be coming soon.
bye for now,

--------- Updated on 2007-07-27 (by ww)

Butchart Gardens announced their NEW website yesterday.
Here are some sample images.
I haven't tried it yet, but here is a Virtual Tour.

I have uploaded the pictures that we took.

Our photos of Butchart Gardens or go straight to the flower slideshow.

Our photos of the Butterfly Gardens or go straight to the butterfly slideshow.

Warning!!! These sets are very large. They will consume a huge amount of time if you look at every photo. Go get a cup of tea or coffee before you begin.
Beth is hoping to create her own department just for this kind of stuff, but for now, you can just look at what is there in it's raw state.

Joe S said...
Hi Guys,I am just catching up after we've been away. We went on the cruise and it was awesome! We were at the cottage last week and it wasn't the same without having you over for dinner. The pictures of the sunken gardens were unbelievable. How long did you spend there? It seemed like a really cool place to visit. We miss you guys and I know you are having a great time - Hope to see you soon!
July 27, 2007 11:39 AM


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