Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Putting the FUN back in dysfunctional


OK, we went to meet some friends that we met on a cruise in 1997 or so.

Beth and Dan Hafler and their kids Emily and Greg are FUN people. A little crazy, but a LOT of fun. Beth is very similar to our Beth in so many wierd ways, but she is speedy. She is always full throttle until she crashes, she sleeps it off, gets up and does it all again. Dan is the calmer one. Not quite ying and yang but more like zing and zang. He is a workaholic too, always busy, but at least his feet touch the ground. Their son Greg is like Beth while Emily fortunately is a little more like Dan. They own Hafner Florists in Holland Ohio. Dan runs one store and Beth runs the other one. A very sensible arrangement. Note: Beth Hafner, you actually have a website, click on the underlined words a couple of lines up to see it. (Beth isn't really technically proficient because you have to actually sit still to learn about computer stuff)

It was great seeing them. We nagged them about taking a vacation some time. Dan is reading a self-help book about "How to do nothing". He hopes it works.

I think I will take a nap.

We said our goodbyes and then drove over to Oregon (Ohio) about 20 miles away. We went to see some friends houses so that we can picture what they are talking about when we are telling stories at the Muster. We walked around Linda and Bill's place and peered into the garage windows. Nice Bar! We went down the road to Sandy and Chuck's place and parked next door and peered into Bill's bigger garage. I think I found a place to live.

Linda was busy stealing some plants to bring to her daughter's house in Columbus the next day. Sandy was working and Chuck was at the hospital with his very sick daughter. They are having a brutal year. Sandy, it does get better, I think. I can recommend a florist shop down the road from you. Sandy, you should go there. It will help.

We are going to meet Linda, Bill, Sandy and Chuck in San Francisco in a few weeks. We hope.

Anyhow, a major storm was preparing to flank us so we made a run for it. We veered off course to go to Ann Arbor Michigan, because I have always wanted to see Ann Arbor. We are here right now while I am typing in the last few days worth of - - - stuff. There is a Big Boy restaurant attached to this motel. Beth worked as a waitress at Bob's Big Boy in Tucson (7 nights a week for $1.00 per hour plus tips) so it was good to see the Big Boy again, although he is MUCH smaller now. We went downtown and walked around, had some food and beer, pronounced the town as "good" and went back to the motel. I have been typing ever since. We have to eat breakfast and hit the road to somewhere now.

I will add the pictures a little later. We gotta go. Thanks for listening.

You may notice that I usually do not write FULL names of people we visit, but the Hafners have a business. Publicity is good. I don't know where they live, so if I can't stalk them, YOU can't stalk them. Order flowers from them. If enough of you do it, they can afford to take time off and we can play with them. OK, if you don't go to their town very often, how about calling THEM to order your long distance flowers (FTD or whatever), they will pass it through to Warwick Rhode Island or wherever you are sending them, they get their little cut, and YOU get to talk to a REALLY fun person. Now I don't know if they actually DO ftd, but let's just assume that they do. Call them.

ingrid said...
The grandfather of a friend I grew up with in Vermont invented Big Boy.

I can't remember the entire story, but I do recall how my friend used that as his claim to fame!
June 10, 2007 7:42 PM


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