Monday, June 18, 2007

Las Vegas to Bakersfield.

We drove from Las Vegas to Bakersfield CA yesterday. I will fill in Las Vegas later this afternoon. But here are some pictures of our wierd trip yesterday. It was supposed to be a 90MPH cruise down deserted highways but it was jammed both ways. Most of the way was slow driving and some of the way was stopped. We saw interesting things, Lorraine gave us the confidence to escape from a traffic jam and travel the back roads. We are now with Mary & Tom. Beth and I lived with Mary in Tucson back in '72. She is still wonderful to stay with. Her husband Tom is a peach. When we were in Tucson, she had made a decision to start going to college herself. It paid off. They are both tenured professors (of accounting) at a college around here.
The trip here was very interesting. See the pictures if you have the time.

2007-06-17 from Las Vega to CA

I am going to finally get a haircut so I look a little more presentable for the Marmon Muster. I am also going to get some sneakers. Very important things for a person on a very wierd schedule, or lack thereof.


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