Thursday, February 1, 2007

How to PUBLISH something.

If you would like to ADD A NEW POST then email your complete post with pictures and everything to:

The Subject line will become the title.

There is a disadvantage to this method: You must make sure that your email address is NOT at the bottom of the email or EVERYONE WILL SEE IT. Do not CC your email to anyone, ONLY send it to this one address or, once again everyone on the internet will see it. this is a public website.

It is SIMPLE, it is FAST. If you need to edit the post, then send your newer version to the same address and I will delete the older version when I go online.
If you want your post to be deleted, then send an email with "DELETE PREVIOUS POST" in the subject line and I will delete it the next time I am online.

IF THIS MAKES YOU NERVOUS then use the conventional COMMENT technique.

The older method that Sherm and Chemo-Sabe use will be discontinued soon because of an issue with Google ads. Frequent posters like them have already been given authority to post directly (although they haven't used their super-human powers yet). If you would like to be given posting and editing authority just email me.


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